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Curated goods for mind, body and home…

Our retail shop located in Midland, TX is a curated selection of goods that represent our brand, places and hobbies we love and our favorite products from our events, clients and locations.

We hope that when you walk into the shop you'll get a sense of who we are as a brand and what we love as we've acquired a collection of candles, journals and sustainable goods that magnify the Velvet Mesquite lifestyle.

Our shop offers floral orders from simple bud vases and wrapped bouquets to large scale pieces that wow for a dinner centerpiece or celebratory gift.

Each week you can walk in and see our current selection of fresh blooms and either create your own arrangement or have one of our skilled designers create a Velvet Mesquite style arrangement. 

Global Partners We've Worked With

Brands & Designers
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